Top 5 Takeaways Novel OPV2 Shows Genetic Stability: Global genomic surveillance confirms the genetic stability of the novel oral poliovirus vaccine type 2 (nOPV2), maintaining the primary attenuating site’s integrity

Top 5 Takeaways Higher Hospitalization Rates in Disability-Eligible Medicare Beneficiaries: COVID-19-associated hospitalization rates were about 50% higher in disability-eligible beneficiaries compared to those eligible due to age, with rates increasing

Top 5 Takeaways Significant Contribution by FRPP: The Federal Retail Pharmacy Program (FRPP) partners administered 67.7% of the 59.8 million COVID-19 bivalent vaccine doses in the U.S. during the study

Top 5 Takeaways Global Surveillance Enhancements: In 2022–2023, 71.4% of 28 priority countries met national acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance indicator targets, and environmental surveillance sites increased, supporting the global

Top 5 Takeaways Increased Heat Exposure and Illnesses: Maricopa and Yuma counties in Arizona saw an increase in heat exposure and heat-related illnesses (HRIs) from 2010 to 2020, with a

Top 5 Takeaways Low Incidence of Severe Illness Post-Paxlovid: Hospitalizations or ED encounters for COVID-19 within 5-15 days after Paxlovid treatment were rare, occurring in <1% of patients, suggesting Paxlovid’s

Top 5 Takeaways Lagevrio and Paxlovid showed effectiveness in preventing hospitalization and death. These oral antiviral drugs have been crucial for patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 who are at

Top 5 Takeaways Significant number of pediatric hepatitis cases: From October 1, 2021, to June 15, 2022, 296 pediatric patients in the U.S. were diagnosed with hepatitis of unknown etiology,

Top 5 Takeaways FDA Approvals and ACIP Recommendations: The FDA issued Emergency Use Authorizations for the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines for children aged 6 months–5 years and 6 months–4