Top 5 Takeaways Vaccine Effectiveness: COVID-19 vaccines remained highly effective against hospitalization and death, even with the emergence of the Delta variant and waning immunity. Impact of Booster Doses: Booster
Tag: 2022
Top 5 Takeaways New Vaccine Recommendations: The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) now recommends the use of either the 15-valent PCV (PCV15) or the 20-valent PCV (PCV20) for adults
Top 5 Takeaways Highest Risk Group: Unvaccinated individuals without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis had the highest rates of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. Impact of Delta Variant: After the Delta variant
Top 5 Takeaways Higher Vaccination Coverage Among Gay or Lesbian Adults: Gay or lesbian adults reported higher COVID-19 vaccination coverage (85.4%) compared to heterosexual adults (76.3%). Gender Differences in Vaccination:
Top 5 Takeaways Increased Vaccine Effectiveness: A third dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines significantly increased vaccine effectiveness (VE) against hospitalization from 82% to 97% in immunocompetent adults and from 69%
Top 5 Takeaways Vaccination Coverage Among PLWDH: As of October 24, 2021, 63.5% of persons living with diagnosed HIV infection (PLWDH) in New York had received full COVID-19 vaccination. Age
Top 5 Takeaways Higher Risk for Unvaccinated: Unvaccinated individuals had significantly higher COVID-19 incidence and hospitalization rates compared to vaccinated individuals, especially those with a booster. Omicron Impact: During Omicron
Top 5 Takeaways Rural-Urban Health Disparities: Working-aged adults in small/medium urban and rural counties reported worse physical health compared to those in large urban counties. Socioeconomic Factors: Differences in socioeconomic
Top 5 Takeaways High HIV Diagnosis Rates: In 2018, Black persons accounted for nearly half of all new HIV diagnoses in the U.S., with a diagnosis rate four times higher
Top 5 Takeaways Higher Fatigue in Adolescents: In 2020, 10.9% of adolescents aged 12–17 years reported being tired most days or every day, compared to 3.5% of children aged 5–11