Top 5 Takeaways

  1. Sharp Decline in WPV1 Cases: Afghanistan and Pakistan reported a significant reduction in wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) cases in 2021, highlighting the impact of ongoing eradication efforts.
  2. Global Challenge of Vaccine-derived Polioviruses: Circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses (cVDPVs) continue to cause outbreaks, particularly in areas with low immunity, requiring ongoing vigilance and vaccination campaigns.
  3. Increased Vaccine Coverage and Surveillance: Despite challenges, global vaccination coverage with three doses of polio vaccine in infants has reached 83%, supported by extensive surveillance and testing mechanisms.
  4. Endemic WPV1 in Afghanistan and Pakistan: These countries remain the last bastions of endemic WPV1 transmission, with cases also genetically linked to an outbreak in Malawi, underscoring the need for targeted intervention.
  5. Strategic Goals and Challenges: The Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s Strategic Plan for 2022–2026 focuses on ending WPV1 transmission and managing cVDPV outbreaks, although supply issues with novel vaccines and operational challenges persist.

Original Article Author and Citation

Corresponding Author

Audrey Rachlin,

Suggested Citation

Rachlin A, Patel JC, Burns CC, et al. Progress Toward Polio Eradication — Worldwide, January 2020–April 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022;71:650–655. DOI: .


The MMWR article documents progress and challenges in the global effort to eradicate polio, reporting significant declines in WPV1 cases and ongoing issues with cVDPVs. It also highlights the robust international commitment to vaccination and surveillance as critical tools against polio.


This report utilizes data collection from WHO-accredited laboratories and case-based surveillance systems to track polio incidence and vaccine coverage. Statistical comparisons of year-over-year case data provide insights into the efficacy of polio eradication initiatives.


The discussion emphasizes the need for sustained efforts in endemic regions and improved vaccine distribution strategies. The report also addresses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on polio eradication efforts, stressing the importance of adaptive strategies in the face of global health crises.


While remarkable progress has been made towards eradicating polio globally, WPV1 remains endemic in specific regions, necessitating continued international cooperation and robust vaccination campaigns to achieve a polio-free world.


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