PyFriday Tutorial: Text Data Types in NLP Welcome to PyFriday! If this is your first time exploring Natural Language Processing (NLP), you’re in the right place. NLP is all about
Category: Python
PyFriday Tutorial: Creating Leaflet Maps in Python with Folium and GeoPandas Introduction Welcome to this PyFriday tutorial! Today, we’re diving into a project where we’ll use Python to create an
PyFriday Tutorial: Analyzing Incidence Rates and Yearly Changes in Python Welcome to another PyFriday tutorial! Today, we are focusing on calculating and analyzing incidence rates of depression across multiple
PyFriday Tutorial: How to Calculate Prevalence Rates in Python Welcome to another edition of PyFriday! Today, we’re diving into a practical data analysis project that covers a foundational skill:
The Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered (SEIR) model is a natural extension of the SIR Model, accounting for a fourth category of disease state, Exposure. For this PyFriday Tutorial, we’ll cover how to not
The Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) model is a fundamental concept in epidemiology, offering insights into how diseases spread and recede in populations over time through a relatively simply set of functions. For
Introduction to Relative Risk Relative Risk (RR) is one of the most fundamental measures in public health, offering insights into the strength of association between an exposure (like smoking) and
T-tests are a fundamental statistical tool used in various fields, including public health, to compare the means of two groups. Essentially, a T-test helps determine whether the observed differences in
Introduction Odds Ratio (OR) calculations are a cornerstone in public health research, providing insights into the strength of association between an exposure and an outcome. In this tutorial, we’ll explore
Correlation is a statistical measure that describes the extent to which two variables change together. In data analysis tasks, understanding correlation can often help in identifying relationships between variables.