Top 5 Takeaways Higher Effectiveness After Third Dose: Vaccine effectiveness (VE) against COVID-19-associated emergency department/urgent care (ED/UC) visits and hospitalizations was higher after the third dose compared to the second

Top 5 Takeaways Updated Recommendations: The 2022 adult immunization schedule includes new or updated ACIP recommendations for hepatitis B, influenza, pneumococcal, recombinant zoster, and COVID-19 vaccines. Appendix Addition: An appendix

Top 5 Takeaways High Attack Rates: The attack rate among convention attendees was 70%, but lower among their household members (33%). Booster Dose Effectiveness: Fewer infections were observed among vaccinated

Top 5 Takeaways Updated Immunization Schedule: The 2022 schedule includes several changes from the 2021 version, with new recommendations for influenza, dengue, and COVID-19 vaccines. New Appendix: A newly created

Top 5 Takeaways Increase in Adolescent Female Visits: Weekly ED visits among adolescent females for mental health conditions increased significantly during the pandemic, particularly for eating and tic disorders. Proportion

Top 5 Takeaways Expanded Recommendations: The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has expanded Ebola vaccination recommendations to include health care personnel at special pathogens treatment centers (SPTCs) and laboratorians