Top 5 Takeaways Sharp Decline in WPV1 Cases: Afghanistan and Pakistan reported a significant reduction in wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) cases in 2021, highlighting the impact of ongoing eradication
Top 5 Takeaways Increasing Trend in Gabapentin-Involved Overdoses: Analysis of data from the State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS) showed a rise in gabapentin detection and involvement in overdose
Top 5 Takeaways First Instance of Vaccination Failure: Marks the first documented case since 2007 where a rabid dog was imported into the U.S. due to vaccination failure, rather than
Top 5 Takeaways Definition and Scope of the Outbreak: Confirmed cases were tied to specific laboratory findings from stool samples among children visiting the community pool between May 31 and
Top 5 Takeaways Increased Incidence: A significant rise in nontoxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae cases in Washington, with numbers increasing tenfold from 2012–2017 to 2018–2023. High-Risk Populations: Most cases occurred among residents
Top 5 Takeaways Prevalence of Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs): About 53.1% of adults reported experiencing six to seven PCEs, while 12.2% reported two or fewer, indicating a varied prevalence across
Top 5 Takeaways Prevalence of Smoking: In 2021, 12.1% of women reported smoking before pregnancy, 5.4% during pregnancy, and 7.2% postpartum. Smoking cessation during pregnancy was reported by 56.1% of
Top 5 Takeaways High Proportion of Injuries Among Minorities: Emergency department (ED) visits for pedestrian injuries were disproportionately higher among six racial and ethnic minority groups, with the visit proportions
Top 5 Takeaways Rising Number of Deaths: The number of mesothelioma deaths among women increased from 489 in 1999 to 614 in 2020, although the age-adjusted death rate per million
Introduction For this ThuRsday Tutorial, we’re going to cover something a bit different. Instead of showing how to do fairly simple epidemiological calculations, this edition will cover the first of