Top 5 Takeaways

  1. Widespread NTM Infections Identified: An investigation revealed 15 cases of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) infections across nine states in patients who had undergone cosmetic surgery at the same facility in Florida, highlighting lapses in infection control and prevention.
  2. Initial Case Sparks National Alert: The CDC and Florida Department of Health (FDOH) used the Epidemic Information Exchange (Epi-X) to identify additional infections after the initial case was reported, showcasing the importance of collaboration among health jurisdictions.
  3. Cases Defined by Laboratory Confirmation: Among 19 reported infections, 15 were confirmed through wound culture isolation of M. abscessus, emphasizing the need for laboratory verification in identifying NTM infections.
  4. Significant Public Health Implications: This outbreak underscores the critical need for healthcare providers to maintain a high index of suspicion for NTM infections following cosmetic surgeries and the importance of notifying public health officials of such cases.
  5. Infection Control Lapses Identified: An on-site assessment at the implicated clinic found significant gaps in environmental cleaning, personal protective equipment use, and surgical device reprocessing, highlighting areas for improvement to prevent future outbreaks.

Original Article Author and Citation

Corresponding Author

Katharine E. Saunders,

Suggested Citation

Saunders KE, Reyes JM, Cyril L, et al. Notes from the Field: Nontuberculous Mycobacteria Infections After Cosmetic Surgery Procedures in Florida — Nine States, 2022–2023. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024;73:66–67. DOI:


This report details the identification of 15 cases of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) infections following cosmetic surgery at a facility in Florida. It underscores the challenges in identifying and managing NTM infections due to the non-notifiable nature of these infections and the wide geographic distribution of affected patients.


The investigation utilized national alerts via the Epidemic Information Exchange (Epi-X) and collaboration with state health departments to identify cases. A case was defined as isolation of M. abscessus from a wound culture in a patient who had undergone cosmetic surgery at the implicated facility.


The report discusses the public health implications of NTM infections following cosmetic surgery, emphasizing the need for heightened awareness among healthcare providers. The challenges of case identification due to the geographical spread of patients and the non-notifiable status of NTM infections are highlighted.


This outbreak of NTM infections following cosmetic surgery in Florida highlights significant gaps in infection control practices. It calls for increased vigilance and reporting by healthcare providers to prevent future outbreaks. The findings will contribute to developing additional training and guidelines to improve infection control practices in cosmetic surgery clinics.


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