Top 5 Takeaways

  1. Updated Recommendations: The 2022 adult immunization schedule includes new or updated ACIP recommendations for hepatitis B, influenza, pneumococcal, recombinant zoster, and COVID-19 vaccines.
  2. Appendix Addition: An appendix listing contraindications and precautions for all routinely recommended vaccines has been added to the schedule.
  3. Cover Page Changes: New instructions, partner organizations, vaccine abbreviations, and a QR code for online access have been added to the cover page.
  4. Table Modifications: Changes in the routine immunization and medical indication schedules include updates to the zoster, pneumococcal, and hepatitis B vaccine recommendations.
  5. Harmonized Notes: Edits have been made throughout the Notes section to harmonize language between the child/adolescent and adult immunization schedules.

Original Article Author and Citation

Corresponding Author

Neil Murthy,

Suggested Citation

Murthy N, Wodi AP, Bernstein H, McNally V, Cineas S, Ault K. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Recommended Immunization Schedule for Adults Aged 19 Years or Older — United States, 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022;71:229–233. DOI:


The 2022 adult immunization schedule, approved by the ACIP in November 2021, includes several updates and new recommendations for various vaccines. The schedule now features an appendix with contraindications and precautions for all vaccines, and changes have been made to the cover page, tables, and notes to improve clarity and usability for healthcare providers.


ACIP’s recommendations are based on comprehensive reviews of vaccine-related data, including epidemiology, vaccine efficacy, safety, quality of evidence, feasibility of implementation, and economic analyses. These recommendations are updated annually to reflect the latest evidence and to assist healthcare providers in implementing current guidelines.


The 2022 schedule includes significant updates, such as the addition of new vaccines like PCV15 and PCV20, and the removal of PCV13. The schedule also consolidates pneumococcal vaccine recommendations into a single row and updates the zoster vaccine recommendations for immunocompromised adults aged 19-49 years. The notes section has been revised to harmonize with the child/adolescent schedule, providing clearer guidance for healthcare providers.


The updated 2022 adult immunization schedule provides comprehensive and clear guidance for healthcare providers, incorporating new vaccine recommendations and an appendix for contraindications and precautions. These updates aim to improve vaccine administration and public health outcomes.

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